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BlackTDN :: LeetCode (17) :: Comparando Implementações do Desafio "Letter Combinations of a Phone Number" em Harbour e TOTVS TLPP

_Créditos das imagens: ChatGPT_ # LeetCode (17) :: Comparando Implementações do Desafio "Letter Combinations of a Phone Number" em Harbour e TOTVS TLPP O desafio [**"Letter Combinations of a Phone Number"**](https://leetcode.com/problems/letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number/description/) (Combinações de Letras de um Número de Telefone) é um problema clássico de programação que envolve a geração de todas as combinações possíveis de letras que um número de telefone pode representar, com base no mapeamento tradicional dos teclados de telefone. Abaixo, comparamos duas implementações desse desafio: uma em **Harbour** e outra em **TOTVS TLPP** (TOTVS Language Plus Plus). ## O Desafio Dada uma string contendo dígitos de 2 a 9, retorne todas as combinações possíveis de letras que esses dígitos podem representar. O mapeamento dos dígitos para as letras é o mesmo dos teclados de telefone tradicionais: - 2: "abc" - 3: "def" - 4: "ghi" - 5: ...

BlackTDN :: Social :: Rifa Festival da Arte Capoeira Projeto Eu Sou Ninja

Angariar fundos para cobrir os custos logísticos do "Festival da Arte Capoeira" e apoiar o projeto Eu Sou Ninja em sua missão de promover a integração social e cultural na comunidade de Jacaraípe. Com a criação da rifa, buscamos envolver a comunidade de forma ativa no financiamento do evento, permitindo que todos contribuam para o sucesso do festival e para a continuidade das atividades do projeto.

Prêmio: Copia da minha biblioteca pessoal de AdvPL/TLpp


Participe da Rifa

Eu já contribui. Só falta você!


 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp

13/04/2024  19:17              .
19/03/2024  13:49              ..
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14/11/2023  16:02                83 .gitignore
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.git\refs

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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.git\refs\heads

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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.git\refs\remotes

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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.git\refs\remotes\origin

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10/01/2024  15:23              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.git\refs\remotes\upstream

10/01/2024  17:01              .
10/01/2024  15:23              ..
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10/01/2024  15:23                41 master
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.git\refs\tags

14/11/2023  16:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\.vscode

02/12/2023  20:08              .
13/04/2024  19:17              ..
02/12/2023  20:08               347 launch.json
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\bin

05/01/2024  12:05              .
13/04/2024  19:17              ..
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03/01/2024  22:06            27.732 commit.hb
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\bin\cfglog

14/11/2023  16:02              .
05/01/2024  12:05              ..
14/11/2023  16:02            49.657 cfglogdb.7z
14/11/2023  16:02            51.054 cfgloglocal.7z
               2 arquivo(s)        100.711 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\bin\patches

14/11/2023  16:02              .
05/01/2024  12:05              ..
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14/11/2023  16:02               213 makepatch.ps1
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\include

27/12/2023  02:05              .
13/04/2024  19:17              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp

15/03/2024  12:05              .
13/04/2024  19:17              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\.vscode

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15/03/2024  12:05              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\.vscode\.advpl

19/01/2024  11:45              .
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\.vscode\.cache

13/04/2024  18:42              .
13/04/2024  18:42              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\models

16/01/2024  12:02              .
15/03/2024  12:05              ..
15/03/2024  12:06             8.366 sqltools.advpl.model.prw
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\tools

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15/03/2024  12:05              ..
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\tools\.vscode

26/03/2024  05:33              .
13/04/2024  18:46              ..
25/03/2024  16:17              .advpl
26/03/2024  05:33              .cache
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\tools\.vscode\.advpl

25/03/2024  16:17              .
26/03/2024  05:33              ..
26/03/2024  05:33           423.523 _binary_class.prw
26/03/2024  05:33           440.523 _binary_functions.prw
               2 arquivo(s)        864.046 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\tools\.vscode\.cache

26/03/2024  05:33              .
26/03/2024  05:33              ..
               0 arquivo(s)              0 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest

14/11/2023  16:02              .
15/03/2024  12:05              ..
14/11/2023  16:02              afx
               0 arquivo(s)              0 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx

14/11/2023  16:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
16/01/2024  12:02              actions
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16/01/2024  12:02              models
21/03/2024  14:05              openai
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16/01/2024  12:02              wsservices
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\actions

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02             5.055 afxgenact.tlpp
               1 arquivo(s)          5.055 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\afxfiles

14/11/2023  16:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02              afxcfgdir
14/11/2023  16:02              authentication
               0 arquivo(s)              0 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\afxfiles\afxcfgdir

14/11/2023  16:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02             4.246 afxfwwsmodel.ini
               1 arquivo(s)          4.246 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\afxfiles\authentication

14/11/2023  16:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02               120 authentication.aut
               1 arquivo(s)            120 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\dbg

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02             4.793 afxrestmodelobject.tlpp
14/11/2023  16:02            11.297 ufwrestmodelobject.tlpp
14/11/2023  16:02            53.614 _afxfwwebservicesmodel.prx
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\fields

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02             5.601 afxvldfields.tlpp
14/11/2023  16:02             4.220 zz_fk.tlpp
14/11/2023  16:02             4.325 zz_index.tlpp
14/11/2023  16:02             4.310 zz_ref.tlpp
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 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\models

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02            11.607 afxlayout.prw
11/03/2024  19:48            37.751 mvczw_tabeladelog.prw
               2 arquivo(s)         49.358 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\openai

21/03/2024  14:05              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
21/03/2024  14:06            12.759 openai.tlpp
               1 arquivo(s)         12.759 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\rotinas

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
11/03/2024  20:02             5.157 afxauthcd.tlpp
21/03/2024  13:59             1.459 afxcdlay.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:53            10.691 afxcfgini.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:53            22.314 afxcrgini.tlpp
21/03/2024  13:59               819 afxgrpverbas.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:53             4.254 afxjobintt.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:53             5.367 afxqryintegracao.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:54             4.732 zw_tabeladelog.tlpp
               8 arquivo(s)         54.793 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\utils

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
11/03/2024  19:50             9.758 afxmvctool.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:51             4.813 afxparam.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:51             9.083 afxtools.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:50            58.117 afxutils.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:51             3.719 totvsitafx.tlpp
               5 arquivo(s)         85.490 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\wsrest

21/03/2024  14:03              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
27/12/2023  02:02            13.354 afxgetdata.prw
16/01/2024  12:02              samples
11/03/2024  19:52            22.867 userjsoncrudexecin.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:52           140.233 userrestcrudadvpl.prw
11/03/2024  19:52            13.233 userrestcrudttlpp.tlpp
21/03/2024  14:06             4.099 userwscrudexecin.prw
               5 arquivo(s)        193.786 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\wsrest\samples

16/01/2024  12:02              .
21/03/2024  14:03              ..
11/03/2024  20:01             1.022 getelpasedtime.tlpp
11/03/2024  20:02             1.238 getsb1data.tlpp
               2 arquivo(s)          2.260 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\wsrest\afx\wsservices

16/01/2024  12:02              .
14/11/2023  16:02              ..
14/11/2023  16:02            13.078 afxfwwebservicesmodel.prx
11/03/2024  20:02             1.252 wsafxauth.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:52             6.761 wsafxgeneric.tlpp
11/03/2024  19:52               666 wsmocksrv.tlpp
               4 arquivo(s)         21.757 bytes

 Pasta de C:\GitHub\naldodj-tlpp\tlpp\__remove.me

11/03/2024  19:39              .
15/03/2024  12:05              ..
27/12/2023  10:38               105 sqltools.tlpp.model.prw
14/11/2023  16:02             2.297 utoxml.prg
               2 arquivo(s)          2.402 bytes

     Total de Arquivos na Lista:
             429 arquivo(s)      5.342.275 bytes
             651 pasta(s)   28.711.247.872 bytes dispon¡veis



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