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BlackTDN :: A Arte (e Desafio) de Dialogar com a IA: Mais Inteligência, Menos "Burrice"?

_Créditos das imagens: ChatGPT (DALL·E) ** A Arte (e Desafio) de Dialogar com a IA: Mais Inteligência, Menos "Burrice"? Recentemente, me deparei com um exemplo fascinante da capacidade das IAs generativas: um prompt detalhado que resultou na criação de um jogo 3D de labirinto com um soldado (você pode ver a versão em português do prompt/projeto aqui: [naldodj-3DMazeGameWithSoldier](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naldodj/naldodj-3DMazeGameWithSoldier/refs/heads/main/README.md), baseado no original de [@nobody_qwert no X](https://x.com/nobody_qwert/status/1893584330095509843)). O resultado é impressionante, mas o que realmente me chamou a atenção foi a **complexidade e o detalhamento do prompt** necessário para chegar lá. Isso ilustra perfeitamente um ponto crucial: fazer a IA gerar *exatamente* o que queremos, seja código complexo ou texto coeso e específico, não é trivial. Exige clareza, precisão, antecipação de ambiguidades e, muitas vezes, várias iterações. É a chamad...

One Billion Results Returned by World Community Grid Volunteers


World Community Grid Newsletter
Dear Marinaldo.Jesus,

World Community Grid would like to thank you for helping us reach a significant milestone!
Many THANKS to YOU, and the rest of our wonderful volunteers at World Community Grid! Together, we have achieved a new milestone in our history by contributing more than 1 billion results!
The results that you, and the whole World Community Grid community, have "crunched" on your computers have been sent to research scientists around the world for analysis. They have advanced humanitarian causes such as researching treatments for AIDS, Muscular Dystrophy, different forms of Cancer, Schistosoma, Malaria, Leishmaniasis and more. Your results have also helped advance research which addresses environmental issues, including improving water quality, developing technologies to access to clean water, increasing ways to harness solar power, and improving world nutrition.
Please check out our recent News & Updates article for more information about this exciting milestone.
Only through your and the other World Community Grid volunteers' collective contribution have we been able to achieve this outstanding accomplishment. We are extremely grateful for your contribution. Without it, this compute power would not be available for the very important scientific research work that together we are helping to accelerate.
Thank you,
The World Community Grid Team

Marinaldo.Jesus, you are about 1 day away from earning your Bronze badge for Say No to Schistosoma!
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