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BlackTDN :: JSON Schema Validation: A Comprehensive Guide

# JSON Schema Validation: A Comprehensive Guide ## Understanding JSONSchemaValidator Ensuring the integrity and compliance of JSON data is crucial for modern applications. **JSONSchemaValidator** is a powerful class designed to validate JSON data against a specified JSON Schema. It provides robust methods to check types, patterns, numerical constraints, required properties, and both internal and external schema references. This guide breaks down the key features and functionalities of JSONSchemaValidator, making it easier for developers to implement schema validation effectively. 🔗 **GitHub Repository:** [JSONSchemaValidator](https://github.com/naldodj/naldodj-hb-jsonschema-validator) --- ## Key Features ✅ **Schema-Based Validation** – Ensures JSON data conforms to a predefined schema. ✅ **Error Handling & Logging** – Captures validation errors for debugging. ✅ **Fast Mode Support** – Stops validation upon detecting the first error. ✅ **Internal & External Reference ...

BlackTDN :: stringtst :: Harbour (win) x totvsappserver (String size overflow!)

image Baseado em memtst.prg, stringtst.prg surgiu para testar os limites definidos pela área de Tecnologia da Totvs para o tamanho máximo que uma string pode ter. Nesse novo teste totvsapp decepcionou. Não passou de 1/10.

No teste 1/10, e para appserver (build: 7.00.101202A-20110330), a última stringtst Length foi de: 1.048.572 o máximo é de 1.048.575 ( + 1: String size overflow! ).

Já no aplicativo compilado pelo harbour 3.1.0dev (Rev. 17207) no teste 10/10, a última stringtst Length foi de: 103.302.755

Podemos concluir, com esse teste:

Que harbour venceu de 10x0 contra totvsapserver e que o tamanho de uma string, em advpl, ainda é muito limitado; que, no harbour, o tamanho de uma string é limitada pelo tamanho da memória disponível e, no totvsappserver, ela é limitada via código.

Eis o código do teste:

   1: /*
   2:  * $Id: stringtst.prg
   3:  * baseado no original de: Harbour Project source code: $Id: memtst.prg 13932 2010-02-20 11:57:17Z vszakats $
   4:  * a small memory manager test code
   5:  */
   6: #define N_LOOPS      (1000*1000)
   7: #define N_MAXLOOP             10
   8: #define WHITE_SPACE         1024
   9: #define MAX_SIZE_ARRAY    100000
  11: #ifndef HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED
  12:      #define HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( symbol ) ( symbol := ( symbol ) )
  13: #endif
  15: #ifdef __HARBOUR__
  16:     #include "simpleio.ch"
  17:     #include "hbmemory.ch"
  18: #else
  19:     #xcommand ?  [<list,...>] => ConOut( [ <list> ] )
  20:     #xcommand ?? [<list,...>] => ConOut( [ <list> ] )
  21:     #xtranslate hb_secondsCPU() => seconds()
  22:     #ifdef TOTVS
  23:         #include "totvs.ch"
  24:     #else
  25:         #include "protheus.ch"
  26:     #endif    
  27: #endif
  28: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29: #ifdef __HARBOUR__
  30: procedure main()
  31:     local cCRLF        := hb_OsNewLine()
  32:     local cVersion     := VERSION()+build_mode()
  33:     local cOS          := OS()
  34: #else
  35: user function stringtst()
  36:     local cCRLF        := CRLF
  37:     local cVersion     := "TOTVS APPServer " + GetVersao(.T.,.F.) + " " + GetBuild() + " " + GetRPORelease()
  38:     local cOS          := IF( IsSrvUnix() , "Unix/Linux", "Windows" )     
  39: #endif
  40:     local dDate
  41:     local cTime
  42:     local t
  43:     local nCPUSec
  44:     local nRealSec
  45:     local nSizeArr     := 100
  46:     local cWSpace      := ""
  47:     local nfhandle
  48:     local cstringtst
  51:     SET CENTURY ON
  53:     for t := 1 to N_MAXLOOP
  55:         nRealSec    := seconds()
  56:         nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU()
  58:         nfhandle    := fCreate( "stringstst" + StrZero(t,10) + ".log" )
  59:         IF ( nfhandle < 0 )
  60:              ? "Can not start a test: " + Str( t )
  61:              loop
  62:         EndIF
  64:         dDate := date()
  65:         cTime := Time()
  67:         ? dDate, cTime, cVersion+", "+cOS
  68:         cstringtst := dtoc( dDate ) + ", " + cTime + ", " + cVersion+", "+cOS + cCRLF
  69:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
  70:             ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
  71:         #endif
  73:         #ifdef __HARBOUR__
  74:              if MEMORY( HB_MEM_USEDMAX ) != 0
  75:                  ?
  76:                 cstringtst += cCRLF
  77:                 #ifndef __HARBOUR__
  78:                      ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
  79:                 #endif
  80:                 ? "Warning !!! Memory statistic enabled."
  81:                 cstringtst += "Warning !!! Memory statistic enabled." + cCRLF
  82:                 #ifndef __HARBOUR__
  83:                      ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
  84:                 #endif
  85:              endif
  86:         #endif
  88:         nSizeArr    := Min( nSizeArr * 10 , MAX_SIZE_ARRAY )
  89:         cWSpace     += Space( WHITE_SPACE )
  91:         ?
  92:         cstringtst += cCRLF
  93:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
  94:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
  95:         #endif
  97:         cstringtst += "Len( cWSpace ) :" + Transform( Len( cWSpace ) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
  98:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
  99:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 100:         #endif
 102:         cstringtst += cCRLF
 103:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 104:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 105:         #endif
 107:         cstringtst += stringtst(@cCRLF,@t,@nSizeArr,@cWSpace)
 108:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 109:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 110:         #endif
 112:         dDate       := date()
 113:         cTime       := Time()
 114:         nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU() - nCPUSec
 115:         nRealSec    := seconds() - nRealSec
 117:         ?
 118:         cstringtst += cCRLF
 119:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 120:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 121:         #endif
 123:         ? dDate, cTime, cVersion+", "+cOS
 124:         cstringtst += dtoc( dDate ) + ", " + cTime + ", " + cVersion+", "+cOS + cCRLF
 125:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 126:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 127:         #endif
 129:         ?
 130:         cstringtst += cCRLF
 131:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 132:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 133:         #endif
 135:         ? " CPU time (total):", nCPUSec, "sec."
 136:         cstringtst += " CPU time (total):" + Transform(  nCPUSec , "99999.9999999999" )  + " sec." + cCRLF
 137:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 138:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 139:         #endif
 141:         ? "real time (total):", nRealSec, "sec."
 142:         cstringtst += "real time (total):" + Transform( nRealSec , "99999.9999999999" ) + " sec." + cCRLF
 143:         ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 145:         fWrite( nfhandle , @cstringtst )
 146:         fWrite( nfhandle , "stringtst Length:" + Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF )
 148:         cstringtst := NIL
 150:         fClose( nfhandle )
 152:     next t
 154:     cWSpace := NIL
 156: Return
 157: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 158: static function stringtst(cCRLF,t,nSizeArr,cWSpace)
 160:     local i
 161:     local a
 162:     local nCPUSec
 163:     local nRealSec
 164:     local nCRLF
 165:     local lFree := .F.
 166:     local cstringtst
 168:     ?
 169:     cstringtst := cCRLF
 170:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 171:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 172:     #endif
 173:     ? "testing single large memory blocks allocation and freeing..."
 174:     cstringtst += "testing single large memory blocks allocation and freeing..."+ cCRLF
 175:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 176:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 177:     #endif
 179:     ?
 180:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 181:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 182:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 183:     #endif
 185:     nRealSec    := seconds()
 186:     nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU()
 188:     for i := 1 to ( t * N_LOOPS )
 189:         a := cWSpace
 190:         HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( a )
 191:         a := ""
 192:         HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( a )
 193:         a := NIL
 194:     next i
 196:     nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU() - nCPUSec
 197:     nRealSec    := seconds() - nRealSec
 199:     ? " CPU time:", nCPUSec, "sec."
 200:     cstringtst += " CPU time:" + Transform(  nCPUSec , "99999.9999999999" )  + " sec." + cCRLF
 201:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 202:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 203:     #endif
 205:     ? "real time:", nRealSec, "sec."
 206:     cstringtst += "real time:" + Transform( nRealSec , "99999.9999999999" ) + " sec." + cCRLF
 207:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 208:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 209:     #endif
 211:     ?
 212:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 213:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 214:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 215:     #endif
 217:     ? "testing many large memory blocks allocation and freeing..."     
 218:     ?
 220:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 221:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 222:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 223:     #endif
 224:     cstringtst += "testing many large memory blocks allocation and freeing..." + cCRLF
 225:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 226:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 227:     #endif
 229:     ?
 230:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 231:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 232:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 233:     #endif
 235:     nRealSec    := seconds()
 236:     nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU()
 237:     a           := Array(nSizeArr)
 238:     nCRLF       := 0
 239:     for i := 1 to ( t * N_LOOPS )
 240:         a[ i % 100 + 1 ] := cWSpace
 241:         cstringtst += Transform( i % 100 + 1  , "9999999999" )
 242:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 243:              ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 244:         #endif
 245:         IF ( ( ++nCRLF % 10 ) == 0 )
 246:             cstringtst += cCRLF
 247:             #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 248:                  ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 249:             #endif
 250:         EndIF
 251:         if i % 200 == 0
 252:             cstringtst += cCRLF
 253:             #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 254:                  ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 255:             #endif
 256:             IF ( lFree )
 257:                 lFree := .F.
 258:                 afill(a,"")
 259:                 ? "Free  :",i
 260:                 cstringtst += "Free  : " + Transform( i  , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 261:                 #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 262:                      ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 263:                 #endif
 264:             Else
 265:                 lFree := .T.
 266:                 afill(a,cWSpace)
 267:                 ? "Alloc :",i
 268:                 cstringtst += "Alloc : " + TransForm( i  , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 269:                 #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 270:                      ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 271:                 #endif
 272:             EndIF
 273:             cstringtst += cCRLF
 274:             #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 275:                  ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 276:             #endif
 277:         endif
 278:     next i
 280:     aSize( a , 0 )
 281:     a           := NIL
 282:     nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU() - nCPUSec
 283:     nRealSec    := seconds() - nRealSec
 285:     ? " CPU time:", nCPUSec, "sec."
 286:     cstringtst += " CPU time:" + Transform( nCPUSec  , "99999.9999999999" )  + " sec." + cCRLF
 287:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 288:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 289:     #endif
 291:     ? "real time:", nRealSec, "sec."
 292:     cstringtst += "real time:" + Transform( nRealSec  , "99999.9999999999" ) + " sec." + cCRLF
 293:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 294:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 295:     #endif
 297:     ?
 298:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 299:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 300:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 301:     #endif
 303:     ? "testing large memory block reallocation with intermediate allocations..."
 305:     cstringtst += "testing large memory block reallocation with intermediate allocations..." + cCRLF
 306:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 307:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 308:     #endif
 310:     ? "Warning!!! some compilers may badly fail here"
 312:     ?
 313:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 314:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 315:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 316:     #endif
 318:     cstringtst += "Warning!!! some compilers may badly fail here" + cCRLF
 319:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 320:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 321:     #endif
 323:     ?
 324:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 325:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 326:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 327:     #endif
 329:     IdleSleep( 2 )
 331:     nRealSec    := seconds()
 332:     nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU()
 333:     nCRLF       := 0
 334:     a           := Array(0)
 335:     for i := 1 to ( t * N_LOOPS )
 336:         aadd( a, { cWSpace } )
 337:         if i%1000 == 0
 338:             ?? i
 339:             cstringtst += Transform( i  , "9999999999" )
 340:             #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 341:                  ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 342:             #endif
 343:             if ( ( ++nCRLF % 10 ) == 0 )
 344:                 cstringtst += cCRLF
 345:                 #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 346:                      ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 347:                 #endif
 348:             endif
 349:         endif
 350:     next i
 352:     cstringtst += cCRLF
 353:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 354:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 355:     #endif
 356:     aSize( a , 0 )
 357:     a           := NIL
 358:     nCPUSec     := hb_secondsCPU() - nCPUSec
 359:     nRealSec    := seconds() - nRealSec
 361:     ? " CPU time:", nCPUSec, "sec."
 362:     cstringtst += " CPU time:" + Transform( nCPUSec  , "99999.9999999999" )  + " sec." + cCRLF
 363:         #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 364:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 365:     #endif
 367:     ? "real time:", nRealSec, "sec."
 368:     cstringtst += "real time:" + Transform( nRealSec  , "99999.9999999999" ) + " sec." + cCRLF
 369:     #ifndef __HARBOUR__
 370:          ? "stringtst Length:" , Transform( Len(cstringtst) , "9999999999" ) + cCRLF
 371:     #endif
 373:     IdleSleep( 2 )
 375: return( cstringtst )
 376: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 377: static procedure IdleSleep( n )
 378:     #ifdef __HARBOUR__
 379:         n += seconds()
 380:         while seconds() < n
 381:         enddo
 382:     #else
 383:         Sleep( n )
 384:     #endif
 385: return
 386: //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 387: #ifndef PROTHEUS
 388:     #ifndef TOTVS
 389:         static function build_mode()
 390:         #ifdef __CLIP__
 391:            return " (MT)"
 392:         #else
 393:            #ifdef __XHARBOUR__
 394:               return iif( HB_MULTITHREAD(), " (MT)", "" ) + ;
 395:                      iif( MEMORY( HB_MEM_USEDMAX ) != 0, " (FMSTAT)", "" )
 396:            #else
 397:               #ifdef __HARBOUR__
 398:                  return iif( HB_MTVM(), " (MT)", "" ) + ;
 399:                         iif( MEMORY( HB_MEM_USEDMAX ) != 0, " (FMSTAT)", "" )
 400:               #else
 401:                  #ifdef __XPP__
 402:                     return " (MT)"
 403:                  #else
 404:                     return ""
 405:                  #endif
 406:               #endif
 407:            #endif
 408:         #endif
 409:     #endif
 410: #endif 

иαldσ dj


  1. Q porra de limite carai? To ligado que vc quebra isso facinho facinho! Rs...
    Vou levar essa brincadeira para o ByYou Lee... lembra que o devorador de WS la nao decepcionou!!! Abraço


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