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BlackTDN :: LeetCode :: Comparando Implementações Harbour e TLPP para o Desafio Longest Palindromic Substring

_Créditos das imagens: ChatGPT_ ### LeetCode :: Comparando Implementações Harbour e TLPP para o Desafio Longest Palindromic Substring Resolver o problema do [Longest Palindromic Substring](https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-palindromic-substring/description/) é um exercício clássico de programação, que desafia desenvolvedores a encontrar a maior substring palindrômica dentro de uma string. Recentemente, exploramos soluções tanto em Harbour quanto em TLPP (Total Language Protheus Programming). Neste artigo, comparamos as implementações nessas duas linguagens, destacando suas semelhanças, diferenças e funcionalidades específicas. #### Implementações em Harbour ##### Versão 5.1 Essa solução utiliza a técnica de expansão a partir do centro do palíndromo. Cada caractere ou par de caracteres consecutivos é considerado um possível "centro". O algoritmo expande em ambas as direções enquanto os caracteres forem iguais, retornando o maior palíndromo encontrado. ##### Versão 5....

world community grid :: Lecture Series - Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together

World Community Grid Newsletter

World Community Grid Lecture Series - Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together

Dear Marinaldo.Jesus,

On August 12, 2011, you're invited to participate in a live webcast to hear an overview and update on World Community Grid's Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together project. The event will be hosted by Dr. Robert Malmstrom from the The University of Texas Medical Branch.

Since 2007, World Community Grid has had the privilege of supporting the innovative research underway at The University of Texas Medical Branch to advance the discovery of finding a cure for Dengue Fever.

This is the "Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2" project that many of you run every day on your laptops and PCs for World Community Grid, helping us make progress towards identifying promising drug candidates to combat the Dengue, Hepatitis C, West Nile, Yellow Fever, and other related viruses. Though hundreds of thousands are afflicted with these diseases each year, many fatally, there are still no effective treatments.

The webcast will take place on August 12, 2011, starting promptly at 11:00AM Eastern Daylight Time (USA), which is 15:00 Coordinated Universal Time. Please join a few minutes early so that you're sure not to miss anything.

Participants can listen to Dr. Malmstrom while viewing an on-screen presentation. Time permitting, you will be able to ask questions via a text chat interface and Dr. Malmstrom will try to answer them.

Access to the webcast is via this link: https://apps.lotuslive.com/meetings/join?id=0327108

You can check if your computer is ready for the webcast at this link: https://www.conferenceservers.com/browser?brand=LLENGAGE_EN-US

And whether or not you can join the webcast, make sure your laptop, PC or Mac is running World Community Grid, and let your friends know this easy way to participate in finding a cure for Dengue Fever!

Thank you,

The World Community Grid Team

P.S. After the webcast we will post the video of the webcast on YouTube, in the World Community Grid News & Update section, and we'll send you a link to the video.



Member Name: Marinaldo.Jesus
Registered: September 14, 2006
Run Time: 5,337 days
Points: 5,282,926
Results: 11,206
Last Result: August 10, 2011


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