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BlackTDN :: JSON Schema Validation: A Comprehensive Guide

# JSON Schema Validation: A Comprehensive Guide ## Understanding JSONSchemaValidator Ensuring the integrity and compliance of JSON data is crucial for modern applications. **JSONSchemaValidator** is a powerful class designed to validate JSON data against a specified JSON Schema. It provides robust methods to check types, patterns, numerical constraints, required properties, and both internal and external schema references. This guide breaks down the key features and functionalities of JSONSchemaValidator, making it easier for developers to implement schema validation effectively. 🔗 **GitHub Repository:** [JSONSchemaValidator](https://github.com/naldodj/naldodj-hb-jsonschema-validator) --- ## Key Features ✅ **Schema-Based Validation** – Ensures JSON data conforms to a predefined schema. ✅ **Error Handling & Logging** – Captures validation errors for debugging. ✅ **Fast Mode Support** – Stops validation upon detecting the first error. ✅ **Internal & External Reference ...

BlackTDN :: ADVPL ~ TRY/CATCH/END Quando Utilizar?



Tempos atrás “simulei” a instrução Try/Cacth/End usando “Comandos Definidos pelo Usuário”. Não pude usar TRY/CATCH pois, a partir de uma “Build” desconhecida, passou a integrar a lista de palavras reservadas da linguagem ADVPL.

Sabendo que existe, em ADVPL, a instrução TRY/CATCH/END quando utilizá-la?


U_TRYCATCH               18 Macro FC: cannot find function :TryTest
   1: User Function TryCatch
   3:     Local x
   4:     Local y              := "TryTest"
   6:     Local bError         := { |e| oError := e , Break(e) }
   7:     Local bErrorBlock    := ErrorBlock( bError )
   9:     Local oError
  12:         TRY
  13:             x := &y.(,)    
  14:         CATCH e as IdxException
  15:             ConOut( ProcName() + " " + Str(ProcLine()) + " " + e:cErrorText )
  16:         END TRY
  17:     RECOVER
  18:         ConOut( ProcName() + " " + Str(ProcLine()) + " " + oError:Description )
  19:     END SEQUENCE 
  20:     ErrorBlock( bErrorBlock )    
  22: Return( NIL )
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иαldσ dj


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